# **Classes**
Classes at Jefferson Scholars Academy seek to model Leadership Education principles- love of learning, focus on classics, inspiration, quality, simplicity, etc. We offer Leadership Education training for parents as they mentor classes throughout the year. Jefferson Scholars Academy is a family-centered commonwealth school, and as such, at least one parent must attend with their children on class days.
Our classes are separated into phases as follows:
# _**Scholar**_ _(ages 12 to 18)_
![><](file-guid:e4b164f4-5205-490e-91e1-eaf68308c1df "JSA_scholars.jpg" =360x240)
Mentors, parents, and youth work together to create an atmosphere of great learning and inspiration for each individual student. We seek for our classes to be as transformational as possible to help youth connect deeply with their own unique life purpose and mission. Classes will include reading and discussing great books, learning leadership principles and study skills, group activities, simulations, field trips and individual projects.
**Self-Directed** (ages 16-18)
- Read challenging classic books
- Deep book discussions on hard topics
- Write polished papers through positive peer review
**Project** (ages 13-15)
- Focus on projects of individual interest
- Read classics that encourage resiliency
- Transformational book discussions
**Practice** (ages 12-13)
- Transitioning from Love of Learning phase and sampling scholarly studies
- Begin learning scholar study skills
- Read classics at their ability level
# _**Love of Learning**_ _(ages 6 to 11)_
![><](file-guid:abf37d53-1b96-404f-9d50-bef24b61ab14 "JSA_LoL 2.jpg" =300x200)This class is a holistic experience to help children fall in love with learning. Mentors inspire children as they discover the world around them, cultivate friendships, and sample many subjects.
**Love of Learning** (ages 6-11)
- A variety of hand-on projects
- Read-aloud classic books with short book discussions
- Learning principles in a fun, engaging way
# _**Core**_ _(ages 0 to 5)_
![><](file-guid:f889aaf3-b144-4cd8-9b9a-e7157ec76db8 "JSA_core.jpg" =270x360)This phase is a special time of nurture and growth. The lessons of Core Phase are taught through play; those lessons include right and wrong, good and bad, true and false, and how to relate and get along with others.
**Core** (ages 4-5)
- Read classic children’s books
- Artwork and crafts
- Play
**Nursery** (ages 0-3)
- Play
- Read books
- Music
- Snacks
# _**Depth**_ _(ages 18 and up)_
A place for young adults to continue their personalized education with support from mentors and peers. Students meet 1/mo for book discussions, goal setting, accountability, support, and fun. Students may also help mentor younger classes upon approval.
# _**Adult**_ _(parents)_
The purpose of our adult class is to help parents come into and further their own scholar phase. We practice the principle of modeling self-education. Our adult class is held monthly after our business meeting. We strengthen relationships as we read and discuss great books together.